Rogue Access

Remote "Rogue" Access Points...

    Testing a POCs in the "Real World" is extremely dangerous. Not just from people or software trying to stealing my POC's or PIP while testing; but mostly from the fear of being "Digital Fingerprinted", "discover", or Virginia Farm boy would come running. So I would use additional random credentials, spoofed fingerprints, and piggyback on rogue access points... to try to keep my privacy tests online, private:)

      From 2002 to 2016, I created, used, and distributed physical (wired and wireless) Remote Random Rogue Access Points, which were loaded with software, like my eOS, Tor, and Spoofed Relays that helped connect to remotely assessable IP's, gateways, portals, and nodes....  This mini encrypted network helped me connect to access points around the world, to simply avoid my local IP provided(Spectrum), known/unknow DNS, or governmental agencies hardware/software, so I can safely and unbiasedly test or validate my own PIP algorithms, techniques, POC, protocols, TOADDs, etc...  :)

End of Line NOte:

    Unfortunately after July of 2016, I started to systematically removed and terminated all of my hardware, software, and wireless remote access points, mostly become our digital frontier had increasingly become too dangerous for my to test or play on, especially with all those digital landmine (foreign and domestic) that servers, Governments, Agencies, and Countries use everywhere...  :/

So regrettably,

all those core rogue access points

where remotely terminated/destroyed

and software now lives next to the

"Arc of the Covenant "...


Having said that now in 2022...

    I can not idlely sit by when I see countries being attacked for a land grab or greed, and the kill innocence people.

    I then remembered that some of my Remote Random Rogue Access Points were still alive, and that I had a large idle bot army (that I confiscated years ago from czech team), and I decided to put them back into use.

   I volunteered and worked for the Armed Forces of Ukraine/IT Army, other associated groups, and digital developers, who fund, program, and push the digital cyber warfare realm(s) forward, by using programs and techniques to detect, exploit, and implement software to release/decentralize data (which helps find illegal or foreign oligarchies digital assets), where "automated functions" then can injects digital cypher locks, data destroying encryption programs or malware-to permanently nuke an oligarchies illegal or foreign income(s), digital wallets or assets during Russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine  (circa February 25, 2022 to......? )

  ...End of Line...  

" Update... "

Since Putin decide to make a land grab for Ukraine,

 by invading and actively enforcing/causing Ukrainian genocide, You know I could not sit idly by...


 I revived remotely assessable IP's, gateways, portals, nodes, bots, and volunteered to works with the Armed Forces of Ukraine/IT Army, other associated groups, and digital developers, who fund, program, and push the digital cyber warfare realm(s) forward, by using programs and techniques to detect, exploit, and implement software to release/decentralize data (which helps find illegal or foreign oligarchies digital assets), where "automated functions" then can injects digital cypher locks, data destroying encryption programs or malware-to permanently nuke an oligarchies illegal or foreign income(s), digital wallets or assets during Russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine (circa February 25, 2022 to...? )

...End of Lecture...

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