Anthrax - Weaponized

Anthrax - Weaponized - aerosolized

Circa. 2002

      Under the grip of fear....

   After 911, the possibility for more terroristic attacks was real. So when unidentified "white powder" started showing up in Government buildings and offices, our Government and agencies jumped into action. Whenever unknown "white powder" was discovered, they were forced to use standard Biological techniques & procedures (Bio-suits), by sampling, testing, and then clean-up suspected tainted or infected areas.

   Simply put,  with our Nation under the grip of fear, uncertainty, mental, and socially perceived physiological stresses, suddenly put extreme pressure on our Government and other Agencies.  So to immediately "calm the seeds of causality," our government responded with a rapid deploy and public use of antiquated Biological laborious techniques, which acted more as a "pseudo psychosis bandage"...; than rapidly detect biological weapons grade materials. :/

     After 911, fear of more attacks led to the discovery of unidentified "white powder" in Government buildings. Our Government and agencies quickly responded with standard Biological techniques (Bio-suits) to sample, test, and clean potentially infected areas. Under the grip of fear, our Government used outdated Biological techniques to calm the public, but these methods were not effective in detecting biological weapons.

 Technical Facts:

    The manufactured and encapsulation of "Anthrax spores - powder - aerosolized" is a biologic Weapon Grade, 2-3 microns (10 microns or larger in low humidity area) in size; and is designed to be an effective air dispersed agent. 

 These encapsulated spores primarily affect human tissues & mucus areas of the nasal cavity and lungs; they are mainly inhaled or by secondary touch. They are absorbed through mucus or by direct contact, as the encapsulated vegetative spore is "dissolved" and released into the host, where it then starts its progression of biological effects.

 The standard Weapons Grade Anthrax-(Ames strain/spores) had an incubation time that can take anywhere from 48 to 72 hours to "growing out" the Anthrax spores in sample dishes. The United States also had stockpiles of Soviet-style (antiquated) mobile field test sets (steel shipping containers), which costs well over $200k(circa 2002) per unit.

    Technical Facts: Manufactured and encapsulated Anthrax spores are a biologic Weapon Grade, effective as an air dispersed agent. These spores primarily affect human tissues and mucus areas of the nasal cavity and lungs, mainly through inhalation or secondary touch. They are absorbed through mucus or direct contact, released into the host to initiate biological effects. Standard Weapons Grade Anthrax has an incubation time of 48-72 hours for growing out spores in sample dishes. US stockpiles include Soviet-style mobile field test sets costing over $200k per unit (circa 2002).   


    With my prior work in the medical field working and performing technical lab work and experiments with pathogenic and Zoonotic diseases, I was able to rapidly Develop a one-minute Bacillus anthracis spores test, by using existing technologies. (Circa 2001-2002) ... 

      Simply put, I used a compilation of  "off the shelf" products, and an IP algorithmic process, which incorporated biochemical sampling essays, snap agent essays, and an Idexx field device,  you can now quickly evaluate and delineate if a "mysterious white powder" was either baking flour, baking soda, blah, blah, blah, or a manufactured biological weapons-grade agent, like aerosolized Anthrax-(Ames strain/spores).   Happy Happy Joy Joy  :)


    At the time(2001-2002), implementing my POC field test would have saved the US taxpayers millions/billions of dollars, by providing an almost instant positive/negative test result, verses using the stockpiles of antiquated mobile field testing systems they US Government used-which took days to delineate/answer if a substance was positive or negative. :/

End of Line

    However, the Government bypassed my POC rapid test, and chose to implement their existing stockpile of old and slower methodology, to "grow out" the Anthrax spores, as a visual and public "Knee-jerk reaction," which acted more like a "psychological band-aid."


S0 like so many of my R&D,

the project was annexed...



I had to

 " let it go

and let it live next to the

"Ark of the Covenant "

  ... Eskimo ...  

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